How to spread educational programmes to Slovak schools?
Our EDUcamp participants explored this questions together with experts from various fields.
A few years ago, we created the Generation 3.0 to support projects which focus on educating children and young people. Through this programme, we help organisations set a strategy for the dissemination of their approaches. We also teach them to measure their impact and create business models that will help them with the financial sustainability of their activities.
The EDUcamp is the first opportunity for the selected organisations to gain access to expert consultations on different topics. After two years of the pandemic, we met in person again. A total of 14 organisations and one startup attended the event.
This year, for the first time, we have opened the registration also for those who had already graduated from the programme in the past. This is because organisations and their programmes are evolving. Over time, they address other issues with which they need help. Such come-again participants are the following: I AMbitious, the Institute for Active Citizenship, the Slovak Debate Association, and SPy. Among the organisations that have attended the event for the first time were the SmartBooks startup and the following organisations: Community Organising Centre, EduCoach, EMTEGRA, Impact Games, Indícia (tr. Hint), IPčko, Mental Health League, STAR, SYTEV, and YouthWatch.
We want to improve our programmes and see what real value they bring to education in Slovakia. (Veronika Golianová, Impact Games)
Veronika Golianová and her colleague Jakub Žaludko.
Pro bono consultations with mentors
During the three days, the participants of the EDUcamp shared examples of good practice and discussed education in Slovakia. They also attended an impact measurement workshop led by our colleagues Romana Kanovská, Dominika Hroššová and Norbert Maur.
The participants spent one whole day consulting their projects with experts from different fields. They discussed, for example, mental health in schools, development of critical thinking of teachers and students, and development of digital skills.
Expert advice lasting up to 60 hours was provided to pro bono organisations by 18 mentors on six topics:
- education: Roman Baranovič(C. S. Lewis Association of Schools), Michal Rehúš (Centre for Educational Analysis), Péter Urbán (Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic);
- impact measurement: Jana Fúsková(The University of Trnava), Romana Kanovská (Pontis Foundation), Martin Kuruc (Faculty of Education, Comenius University);
- fundraising: Vanda Hlaváčková(freelance consultant), Fero Pauliny (Pontis Foundation), Zuzana Suchová (Donio);
- communication: Andrea Basilová(Sensoneo), Branislav Ondrášik (ESET), Martin Šanta (National Bank of Slovakia);
- internal processes: Jana Berňatáková(Beelong Community), Alena Kanabová (Accenture), Martina Králová (SVÄG TO GO);
- business modelling: Michal Csonga(0100 Ventures), Heliodor Macko (SEAK Energetics), Jozef Šovčík (FIRST LEGO League Slovakia).
I understand that with my business expertise, I can help organisations look at some of the issues from a completely different perspective, and help them move forward. (Alena Kanabová, Accenture)

Alena Kanabová during a consultation with a representative of the STAR organisation.
Advencement to the EDUaccellerator
The results of our observations from the EDUcamp will soon reveal which participants will advance to our three-month intensive programme entitled the EDUaccelerator. In the acceleration programme, the participants will gain a personal mentor to consult on how to set up their projects in the best and most sustainable way and to disseminate them to as many schools as possible. They will also cooperate with a researcher to help them set up the impact measurement of their activities. The selected organisations can also receive financial support worth up to 30 thousand euros.